What should I do before I get an influenza vaccine?

What should I do before I get an influenza vaccine?

Increase your body's immune system. Ask a trusted pharmacist to recommend a good multivitamin. You can also use melatonin at night to help you feel more calm if you feel anxious, as well as stretching or yoga exercises. If you are taking sleeping pills, do not take any over-the-counter drugs or supplements before consulting a doctor.

Reduce intake of refined sugar and caffeine in the diet. If you often consume caffeinated beverages after daytime, replace them to a decaffeinated beverage. Caffeine and sugar cause instability in the energy and cause anxiety. Avoiding these products can help you to calm down before and during the procedure.

Are there any influenza vaccine side effects?

Some of the side effects that can arise from flu vaccines are:
  • Redness or swelling at the injection site
  • Low fever
  • Pain
Injections may also cause other side effects such as:
  • Hard and itchy at the injection area
  • If this problem arises, the condition begins shortly after the injection and usually lasts up to 1-2 days.
Life-threatening allergic reactions are very rare. Signs of an allergic reaction can include difficulty breathing, hoarseness or wheezing, itching, pallor, weakness, rapid heartbeat or dizziness. If signs appear, usually within minutes or hours after the injection. This reaction occurs among people who are allergic to vaccine content, such as egg proteins or other ingredients. Although serious reactions are not common, you should tell your doctor, nurse, pharmacist if you have a history of allergy or a serious reaction to a flu vaccine or other ingredients from a flu vaccine.

There is a small possibility that influenza vaccine may be associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome, not more than 1-2 cases from 1 million people vaccinated. This figure is much lower than the risk of serious complications from flu, which can be prevented by flu vaccine.

If you have a serious reaction to seasonal influenza vaccine, call or visit your doctor immediately and let them know what's happening

If you have any questions relating to this procedure, consult your doctor for a better understanding.

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